If you want to find someone's mobile number here on Google, their chat can be found so you don't think anything wrong.
There is no way you can search someone's number on Google and see their chart
In fact, keeping WhatsApp chat safe is subject to WhatsApp privacy policy, so no one can read one's chat by using mobile number on Google because Google can't show anyone's privacy.
And you also have to be aware that no social group here shares any personal information with a large company, so whatsapp key privacy talk and chat Google can not show in their search engine.
There is no way you can search someone's number on Google and see their chart
In fact, keeping WhatsApp chat safe is subject to WhatsApp privacy policy, so no one can read one's chat by using mobile number on Google because Google can't show anyone's privacy.
And you also have to be aware that no social group here shares any personal information with a large company, so whatsapp key privacy talk and chat Google can not show in their search engine.